1808 Thomas Cook is born on 22 November in the village of Melbourne in Derbyshire. 1834 John Mason Cook is born on 13 January in Market Harborough, near Leicester. 1841 Thomas Cook organises his first excursion, a rail journey from Leicester to a temperance meeting in Loughborough. On Monday 5 July a special train carries some 500 passengers…
When you visit another country, it is always nice to check out the products in the local supermarket so you can have a look at the food habit of local people and try something new. If you happen to visit France, here is a list of 13 items you absolutely have to buy in a…
Located in Austria is the land of Salzburg. It’s a destination that is visited by hundreds of thousands of people from around the world every year. Salzburg provides visitors with spectacular views of nature, as well as a buildings and museums designed to preserve its unique history. There are at least five awesome things people should…
Helsinki- a beautiful Finnish city surrounded by majestic woodland. A few days there, and I was in love. After all, how could you not be? Here are some of my favorite visit spots and things to do in this stunning city. 1. Lunch and Music al Fresco During the summer, Helsinki hosts many outdoor…